„Verlassen Davonzuflieszen“
(„To Swarm Deserted Away“)

„Ich, schleichend, von Wunden gezeichnet
Überlebte. Es.
Nun bin ich fort, oder bin ich noch dort?
Innerlich gestorben“

Niemand soll überleben
Niemand, diesen Vers überleben
Niemand soll überleben
Niemand, diesen Vers überleben

„Von Dornen verborgen
Erinnerungen, schwere Last
Umranken die Gedanken
Keiner soll überleben“

Niemand soll überleben
Niemand, diesen Vers überleben
Niemand soll überleben
Niemand, diesen Vers überleben

Ich fliesze verlassen davon, wie Glas

Warm und fiebrig
Bin die Flamme
Bin der Tod

Und ich, ich webe unsere Lästerungen

Hexen malten mich
Rätsel erschufen mich
Wo Poeten atmen,
dort wurde ich in Lästerungen gewebt

Ich habe die Winde berührt
Ich habe die Sorgen berührt
Ich habe den Teufel berührt


Und ich, ich habe ... (And I have touched ...)
... die Vergangenheit ...
... berührt
(... the past)

And I were (sic!) woven into blasphemies!

Ich fliesze verlassen davon ...


like spears, trunks are looming into impervious grey
light is dimmed down here, a dying glow above clammy ground
cracking branches below my feet
resounding within depths of the garden 'round

abscondingly I am looking back, the same sight as before

an entity tracing my steps or a chimera as void as I am?
days are gone since I have been seeing bright light
flourished meadows under silvery heaven's gleam

[suddenly all noise hushed]

shadows came quickly and unexpected
like haze it covered the land and remained
the ambient air saturated with
[pungent] silence
which escorted that sudden raid

my path becomes densely grown [or lost?]
coppice is grazing my face
where is a glare guiding me?
just gloom and emptiness

a shadow is fleeing
[right] to my left
formless creature, searching reclusively
nothing is secure [these times], contacts negligent
it's swallowed by a compound of grey

a further step out of the woods,
an even plain in front of me
I breath the damply frozen air,
step further, fearing what will come
atrociously but peacefully

it screams at my dismayed face

memories are fading slowly [but steadily]
colours of past times are blended with white
silhouettes of once glorious facing
without the lights, that belonged to night

the world as I know it, no longer exists
among the veils of fog
ruins attest to a departed present
collapsed from it's own evolution

... further ...
... I walk ...
... my path ...
... in solitude ...